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for a “green” digital transition of the municipal area


The Municipality of Sacile - the first municipal entity in Friuli Venezia Giulia - and WINDTRE signed a memorandum of understanding today at City Hall to develop public administration technology skills and innovative services for citizens and businesses. The protocol provides for the establishment of a working table to verify the possibility of implementing and extending projects in the areas of Smart City, Education and Innovation Hub in the territory.

As part of the MOU, WINDTRE will also organize the “Smart City Transformation Academy", a digital education initiative focused on digital technologies in the service of environmental improvement, energy saving and innovation as drivers of change for public administrations.

The company actively collaborates with local institutions to promote the digital transition to a smart city with solutions that optimize smart mobility through the use of data analytics, protect the environment and improve services for citizens, with the aim of designing a “green” digital transition for the municipal area.
img M04 photo Davide Furlan
Davide Furlan , Area Manager Northeast Corporate Sales of WINDTRE says:

"The one in Sacile is the first memorandum of understanding signed by WINDTRE in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. We are proud to be able to work alongside the municipality to share skills and professionalism and supportthe digitalization of the area with the aim of improving services and quality of life for citizens,simplifying and speeding up local PA and contributing to the development and growth of the city.”
img M04 photo Ing. Carlo Spagnol
Ing. Carlo Spagnol , Mayor of Sacile commented:

“In recent years, the need to ferry the authority into a sustainable, smart and intelligent municipality has become increasingly relevant. With the partnership started with WINDTRE, the city of Sacile wants to acquire those digital tools useful to do its part in implementing innovative interventions, with a view to collaboration between the public and the opportunities coming from the partnership with the private sector: the protocol signed with WINDTRE goes in this direction, to enable the city of Sacile to look to the future with sustainable solutions.”
One of the ten concrete, measurable and business-integrated goals of the WINDTRE sustainability plan is to put digital at the service of Smart Cities and design together with local governments the urban and sustainable transformation of Italian cities to improve the environment, health and quality of life of people.

The company aims to achieve, by 2030, ambitious results within the three ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) dimensions and has been promoting for years solutions and projects aimed at accompanying the country towards a more sustainable and inclusive future with a quantitative approach and tangible and continuous results over time. For more information, you can visit the Sustainability section of the WINDTRE website: https://www.windtregroup.it/IT/Sustainability/la-nostra-visione.aspx


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