in Italy, EU and UK


The smart choice for those who collaborate with your business
per month
in Italy, EU e UK
in Italy, EU and UK
in Italy, EU e UK

Why should you choose SUPER SMART for your Business?

To make your team SMART, WINDTRE BUSINESS offers you the ideal solution for your collaborators. No phone call will be too long or too expensive anymore, with SUPER SMART the minutes are unlimited in Italy, Europe and the United Kingdom. You also have 5 GIGA in Italy, EU and UK to stay connected both in the office and on the move thanks to the speed of the WINDTRE BUSINESS Top Quality Network.
DAILY PASS for your occasional business abroad
Daily Pass, already activated on your Super SIM, guarantees you 100 minutes, 100 SMS and 250 MB from €5* per day and, even if one of the components of the package runs out, don't worry: it will reactivate automatically up to a maximum of two times.

* more info and details inside the WINDTRE Remember
Find out more on the advantages of a transparent solution


Protect yourself from extra charges of services you do not want


Calling and browsing online even with a 0€ balance


Voicemail and "Ti ho cercato" services already included

Find out how to enrich SUPER SMART

immagine uomo che sta vedendo il tablet
Starting from14,99per month
Browse online on your tablet with the 30 or 70GB package by SUPER GIGA in Italy, in Europe and in UK.
immagine offerte fisso
Combine SUPER SMART with a fixed-line offer and save on the monthly fee.
immagine Opzioni dall'estero
starting from10per week
Frequent traveller? The Weekly Options are the right solution for you: a shield against the expensive roaming costs abroad.
immagine tutti i device
Discover the rich smartphones catalogue: pick the color, the display size and the capacity suitable for your Business.
immagine Opzioni dall'Italia
starting from3per month
The international solutions to call abroad from Italy at convenient rates.
immagine office 365
starting from4per month
Bring your Microsoft services always with you, through the Cloud sharing you'll have your documents on all your devices.

Info and Details

It's possible to have more GIGA by subscribing to one of the following options: GIGA 5 to have a further 5 GIGA once the bundle has finished or GIGA 50 to have a further 50 GIGA once the bundle has finished. It is also possible to activate the Extra Giga option which offers 1 GIGA of internet traffic a maximum of 3 times in a month.
Fear not! You can use your available DATA in Italy, in Europe and in UK.
Of course You can buy a smartphone, just check out the Products section and find out which are in promotion with the Super Smart offers.
Promotions on the new activations are valid until September 30, 2024.

SUPER SMART offers 5 GB, unlimited minutes and 50 SMS valid in Italy, EU and UK each month at a cost of €19.99/month. The Internet traffic included is the Internet and WAP traffic developed in Italy, EU and UK under LTE, HSDPA, EDGE UMTS and GPRS coverage through internet.it APNs. Internet traffic in International Roaming except for EU countries, Intranet traffic, data calls and FAX, and GSM data traffic are excluded and charged on a pay-as-you-go basis according to the active SIM rate plan. Contract term of 24 months.

The SUPER SMART offer with SECURE WEB MOBILE option is on promotion at a total cost of €9.99/month only in combination with a landline , including the Secure Web Mobile option fee of €1/month. The Secure Web Mobile option can be deactivated at any time at no cost and in that case the offer will remain active at a cost of 8.99€/month.

The Offer has an activation cost of 90€; the Customer will be able to choose, at the time of activation, whether to pay the 90€ in a lump sum or to pay a fee of 10€ (instead of 90€); the remaining 80€ will not be charged with SIM/Offer active for the entire duration of the planned contract (24 months). In the case of early termination before 24 months, the share of the value of the remaining 80€ will be charged in proportion to the remaining time (value corresponding to the months of missed stay. In conjunction with the SUPER Smart tariff plan, it is possible to activate the Giga 5 and Giga 50 options, which automatically activate 60 GB of internet traffic when the internet bundle included in the tariff plan is exhausted. The data traffic included in the Giga 5 option is valid in the relevant calendar month: any unused traffic cannot be used or accumulated in the following month. The Giga 5 and Giga 50 options have a cost charged in full and additional to the underlying rate plan charged on the bill.  When the traffic included in the options is exhausted, Internet traffic is blocked. Included traffic does not include notification, entertainment and information SMSs, voice or SMS traffic made in international roaming or to foreign operators except traffic from European Union countries and the United Kingdom. When the included traffic thresholds are exceeded, the rates applied are 10 cents/SMS to domestic mobile operators, 20 cents/MMS to all. For the offers that provide them, traffic is unlimited unless use of the service contrary to the criteria of good faith and fairness, for purposes other than use for personal purposes and for the performance of massive communication activities in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Contract relating to WINDTRE telecommunications services . The use of domestic offers in the EU without any surcharge is allowed in the context of occasional travel and in compliance with the fair use policies defined in accordance with European Regulation 2016/2286 in order to prevent abuse and abnormal use as well as to ensure the economic sustainability of the offer as a whole. Any inappropriate usage will result in the application of the prescribed surcharges and additional operator protection measures provided for in the regulations. Details about the fair use policies and how any surcharge will be applied will be promptly made available to customers. The countries in which the offer is valid are all those of the European Union plus the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus (excluding the Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus) Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, (including Guadeloupe, French Guiana, La Reunion, Mayotte, Martinique) Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary. For the United Kingdom, at the moment and until otherwise expressly stated, WINDTRE applies the same pricing valid for countries included in the European Union. For any clarification and further information, consult the General Terms and Conditions on the windtrebusiness.it website. The activation of the SUPER SMART offer is subject to the activation of the Automatic Recharge service and the positive outcome of the credit risk and fraud checks carried out by Wind Tre S.p.A. Automatic Recharge is automatically set to Threshold for amount equal to 10 euros, but you will have the option to alternatively choose Time-based Automatic Recharge mode. It will be possible to subsequently change the characteristics of the Automatic Recharge, described in the specific technical-economic annexes, by calling 1928. All amounts indicated are exclusive of VAT

Please remember, when roaming abroad, to always put the international dialing code of the destination country in front of the called number.

DAILY PASS is an essential component of the SUPER Unlimited Plus, Super Unlimited and SUPER Smart rate plans, consisting of roaming traffic; it offers 100 minutes, 100 SMS and 250 MB per day at the costs and in the areas indicated below:

Daily Pass Zone 1 - Cost per event €5 Countries included: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Georgia, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Israel, Faroe Islands, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mexico, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam. To use roaming service in the U.S. with some operators, you must have Volte service active on the SIM and a compatible smartphone. Visit https://www.windtrebusiness.it/assistenza/mobile/configurazioni/VoLTE for more details on voLTE service.

Daily Pass Zone 2 - Cost per event €15 Countries included: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Benin, China, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Reunion, Greenland, Macau, Malawi, Congo, Monaco, Oman, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Gabon, Zambia, Paraguay.

Daily Pass Zone 3 - Cost per event 25 € Countries included: Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Cape Verde, El Salvador, India, Moldova, Serbia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Chad.

Daily Pass Zone 4 - Cost per event €35 Countries included: Afghanistan, Albania, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Madagascar, Morocco, Nepal, Qatar, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Turks & Caicos Islands, Myanmar, Niger, Senegal, Yemen. Daily Pass will be activated at the first traffic event made in a country of the 4 Zones indicated above; activation involves charging the daily fee on the invoice related to the zone where the first traffic event was made.

Daily Pass is valid from the first traffic event until 11:59:59 p.m. (Italian time) on the same day it is activated and automatically renews for a maximum of 2 times when one of the included bundle components ends. Once the 2 renewals are over or one of the included bundle components ends, all voice, sms and data routes are blocked. Voice traffic included in bundles is charged by seconds, data traffic is charged in 100 Kbyte increments.
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